Necuron 702 (48 Cubic ft) Tooling Board, 2 inches thick.

P/N: 75157

Necuron 702 (48 lb/ft^3) 2" x 24" x 60"

P/N: 75157
1 - 9
10 +

This Epoxy Tooling Board has very high temperature resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Designed for prepreg lay-up molds, vacuum form tools, and laminating patterns and tools.

Necuron®-boards should be stored on a flat underground surface and in a dry space at a temperature between 64.4°F and 77°F. Variations in temperature should be avoided during transport and storage.


Color: Green
Coefficient of thermal expansion: approx. 23.33 x 10^-6 F-1
Temp. resistance: approx. 287°F
Shore D: approx. 74
Compressive strength: approx. 8,267 psi
Flexural strength: approx. 5,076 psi
Density: approx. 48lb/Ft^3

Additional Information

P/N 75157
Brand Rock West Composites
Exportable No
Materials Epoxy
Thickness 2.0
Weight 82.2
Width 24.0

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Necuron 702

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Necuron 702 (48 Cubic ft) Tooling Board, 2 inches thick.
P/N 75157